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- Written by mare
Do you know the story behind magnificent 300 years old castle located on the island of Ĺ olta?
In 1703, the three Marchi brothers received permission to build a tower, a village and a church above the bay of Maslinica. At the time, pirate attacks were becoming recurrent and two years later a castle was erected together with defense walls and a prominent tower as the last point of defense... Today, after three centuries of vibrant history, this beautiful boutique hotel/castle opens its chambers and provides impeccable comfort and peace with soft elegance of those ancient times. Every room is special, named after famous individuals of that time, tells its story and its history and the tower offers breathtaking view ower the charming Maslinica bay. This place as it was made for weddings from our dreams, making you feel as a true princess and if you are imaginative we propose to organize a theme wedding party but that is a good topic for my next blog.
Before that, you can find some inspiration in great events we made there...
This year, as we were all focused on the Olympics and culture of the host country, we decided to promote the spirit and energy of great nation of Brazil during the annual Martinis Marchi Summer party 2016! A weekend of passion with exceptional music and energetic entertainment, combined with the beautiful Mediterranean ambience was uber special event to attend this summer on Adriatic!

After energetic opening ceremony & some tasty brazilian food on the terrace the Brazilian pool party, under the motto "Higher, Stronger, Faster" continued, mixed with fashion show, cocktails, music and good atmosphere.

While we are preparing a video, check out the atmosphere of the previous years: https://youtu.be/hvyKUsYhkV0